About the project

Planning and Development

In terms of planning, the strategic and national need for the proposed road development is supported within a number of national, regional, and local policy documents and plans including:

  • Ireland – National Development Plan, 2007-2013 (NDP);

  • Infrastructure and Capital Investment 2012-2016: Medium Term Exchequer Framework

  • The National Spatial Strategy 2002 – 2020 (NSS);

  • Smarter Travel – A Sustainable Transport Future 2009-2020 (Smarter Travel);

  • Regional Planning Guidelines for the West Region 2010-2022,

  • Galway County Development Plan 2009-2015,

  •  Gaeltacht Local Area Plan;

  • Moycullen Local Area Plan 2005-2011; and

  • National Secondary Road Needs Study (NSRNS).

The project is also listed as a strategic objective of Project Ireland 2040.

Publication of EIS and CPO took place in December 2011. The oral hearing was held over 3 days from the 1st to the 3rd of May 2012. An order approving the proposed road development and confirming the CPO issued by An Bord Pleanala in November 2012.


General Description of the Proposed Development

The proposed Moycullen bypass scheme scope of works comprises of the following major elements:

  • 4.3km Type 1 single-carriageway bypass for the existing N59.
  • 2.1km of re-aligned local and link roads.
  • 0.6km of re-aligned side roads.
  • 2.0km of newly constructed access roads.
  • 1.7km of farm/accommodation roads.
  • 2 no. roundabout junctions; one at each end connecting back to the existing n59 through Moycullen.
  • 1 no. attenuation tank and 5 no. attenuation ponds located across the project.
  • A total of 9 structures to be constructed as follows:
    • Structure 1 as Carrownluastraun stream culvert
    • Structures 02, 06 & 10 as farm & road underpasses
    • Structures 3 as Knockferry road overbridge
    • Structure 5 as Homefarm road underbridge
    • Structure 4 & 7 as Moycullen Canal and Lough Kip River bridges
    • Structure 11 piled embankment support slabs.
    • Secant pile retaining wall.
    • Redi-rock modular retaining wall
  • Bulk earthworks including disposal of unacceptable material UA (soft ground) and placement of imported acceptable material to embankments and other areas of fill
  • Fencing.
  • Landscaping works.
  • Environmental mitigation measures.
  • Utilities and service diversion works.
  • Public lighting will be provided in the vicinity of both roundabouts, along the realigned Knockferry road and improved village access.
  • Accommodation works.