Western Tie In Traffic Management Oct 23

Commencing 2nd of October single lane traffic will be implemented to allow the widening of the pavement on the oughterard side of the new West Roundabout. Traffic Lights/Flagmen will be in place for 3-4 days.

Western Tie In Works

Commencing Next week the 14th of August the temporary traffic management arrangements will be modified at the western tie in of the job. This will involve straightening the traffic flow over the newly constructed structure at Drimcong, where it will then continue up...
Western Tie In Works

Western Tie In Works

Works at the western tie in of the scheme (Drimcong Area)  will be further progressing over the coming weeks. To maintain two way traffic during the construction of these works we have constructed temporary widenings and a diversion in order to minimize the delays to...
Traffic Management Update

Traffic Management Update

Traffic Management Update Thanks for your patience over the last couple of weeks for the construction of the widening. We intend to implement the new road layout tomorrow the 17th of February, weather permitting. Please take care driving through the new layout and...
Official Sod Turning

Official Sod Turning

Official Sod Turning Friday the 28th of January the official Sod Turning Ceremony was held on site. See the links below for some of the coverage: https://www.tii.ie/news/press-releases/n59-moycullen-bypass/index.xml...