Works at the western tie in of the scheme (Drimcong Area)  will be further progressing over the coming weeks. To maintain two way traffic during the construction of these works we have constructed temporary widenings and a diversion in order to minimize the delays to road users. This is also to provide safe working zones for the construction personnel. We intend for traffic to be diverted tomorrow, Tuesday the 16th of May and will remain in place for approximately two months.

We remind road users that the 50kmph speed limit zone has being extended out from Moycullen beyond the extent of the works, these are legally enforceable limits and not advisory. As such vehicles exceeding these limits are committing an offence  and are subject to penalties. We request that road users on the N59 in the area adhere to the signed speed limit, both for the safety of the road users and the safety of the operatives on the site.

If travelling speeds on the road is persistently in excess of the speed limits, thereby presenting risks to both the road users and the operatives on the site, additional control measures may need to be considered by our traffic management designers to slow the speed of the traffic. This could result in the reduction of the traffic to single lane in order to control speeds.

The distance over which observance of the speed limits is requested is approximately 1km. At 100kmph it takes 36 seconds to travel 1km, at 50kmph it takes 72 seconds – this slight delay will ensure everyone’s safety and avoid the need for measures which could result in greater delays.